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发布时间:2019年04月24日    浏览次数:






报告题目 强化学习概述及其在IRIS 实验室应用范例(黄国胜教授)  

要: 强化学习算法中奖惩函数的设计是以不断试错的方法来完成机器人的运动控制,但将其应用在真实环境中时,状态如何切换是亟待解决的问题。提出以判定树为基础的自适应性分割状态空间算法,同时融合强化学习算法,使机器人能够模仿示范者的行为。系统提取人体骨架的关节经过转换对应成机器人各个关节,针对人体姿态与机器人的姿态无法匹配问题,提出机器人自学习调整静态重心,以弥补无法匹配问题。提出了基于关键状态及以Adabooster的逆向强化学习算法,设计简洁、有意义的奖惩函数,利用强化学习算法精练基本动作操作。  

报告人简介:l黄国胜,男,1982年10月出生,博士,台湾中山大学教授。1993年获美国西北大学计算机工程博士学位,现为台湾自动控制学会会士、欧洲电子电机学会(IET)院士、IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics编辑、以及IEEE/ACMTrans. on Mechatronics编辑、IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica编辑。为上海交通大学荣誉客座教授、西北工业大学荣誉客座讲座教授。研究领域机器人路径规划、机器足球员系统、强化合作学习系、以及群组机器人任务合作。  

报告题目 Learning Control: Ideas and Problemsin Adaptive Fuzzy Control(苏顺丰教授)  

要:Intelligent control is a promising way of control design in recent decades. Intelligent control design usually needs some knowledge of the system considered. However, such knowledge usually may not be available. Learning becomes a important mechanism for acquiring such knowledge. Learning control seems a good idea for control design for unknown or uncertain systems. To learn controllers is always a good idea, but somehow like a dream. It is because learning is to learn from something. But when there is no good controller, where to learn from? Nevertheless, there still exist approaches, such as adaptive fuzzy control, that can facilitate such an idea. It is called performance based learning (reinforcement learning and Lyapunov stability). This talk is to discuss fundamental ideas and problems in one learning controller -- adaptive fuzzy control. Some deficits of such an approach are discussed.  The idea is simple and can be extended to various learning mechanisms. In fact, such an idea can also be employed in various learning control schemes. If you want to use such kind of approaches, those issues must be considered in your study.  

报告人简介:l苏顺丰,男,1961年7月出生,博士、国立台湾大学教授。1991年获得普渡大学(Purdue University) 西拉法叶分校(West Lafayette)电气工程博士学位,主要研究方向为自适应模糊控制理论及方法。苏顺丰教授在机器人、智能控制、模糊系统、神经网络和非导数优化等领域发表了250多篇论文,曾担任国际模糊系统协会主席还担任多个学术团体的董事会成员,以及许多国际和国内会议的总主席、项目主席或各种职务现任《IEEE控制论学报》、《IEEE/CAA自动化学报》、《IEEE Access》副主编、《中国工程师学会学报》电子工程专业编辑、《国际模糊系统学报》主编  





